Celery Health Benefits

Celery health benefits include vitamin Kfolatevitamin Apotassium, and vitamin C. Celery is mainly water, but it is also a good source of dietary fiber. Celery is so powerful that the smell alone can raise Testostrone levels in your body! Celery contains two important plant sterols, androstenol and androstenone. These plants produce androgens.

Celery also contains flavonoids that act as anti-estrogenic agents. One particular flavonoid with this kind of action is called luteolin. Another flavonoid, apigenin, is a natural Testosterone booster. The best results are achieved if you eat your celery raw. Slice the stalks and enjoy together with other testosterone-boosting foods, such as blue cheese.

This green vegetable belongs to the Apiaceae plant family. Other health benefits of celery are due to the excellent sources of beneficial enzymes and antioxidants. Celery also loaded with essential minerals and additional vitamins such as vitamin B6.

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