Olive or Coconut Oil

Olive or Coconut oil are the absolute healthiest oil. Both contain healthy fats known as monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, which can lower total cholesterol levels. Although coconut oil does contain more saturated fat, it’s primarily lauric acid.

Olive oil is a mainstay in Mediterranean cuisine. Years of studies have showed that people who live in the Mediterranean region (consuming olive oil in their daily meals) were healthier, with very small risks for developing cardiovascular disease. Men in the Mediterranean region are also well known for fathering lots of children, even up into very old age. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats that help boost Testosterone production and long-term consumption can provide long-lasting virility. One study found that within two weeks of using olive oil as the main dietary fat source, Testtostone levels increased by as much as 17% on average. Olive oil performs all these wonderful Testosterone boosting effects in several ways.

It has anti-inflammatory effects and promotes greater cellular receptiveness for testosterone. This oil is also excellent as an antioxidant agent, protecting cells from free radical damage. Make sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil to your daily salad.

Coconut oil is another healthy oil you should be getting more of. It mostly contains saturated fats, but don’t worry – there are numerous studies that show how saturated fats from coconut oil does not contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. The saturated fats are in fact effective in boosting T levels in the body and improving overall health. Other benefits from coconut oil include increased metabolic rate (weight loss), raising levels of thyroid hormones, and enhancing cognitive performance.


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