Real Butter

Here are 6 reasons why real butter from grass-fed animal sources may be good for your health in moderate amounts. 
  • Butter is Rich in FatSoluble Vitamins.
  • Butter Contains a Lot of Healthy Saturated Fats.
  • Butter Lowers Heart Attack Risk Compared to Margarine.
  • Butter is a Good Source of The Fatty Acid Butyrate.
  • Butter is Rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid.
  • Butter lower risk of obesity.

Real butter boosts T levels. Similar to the case of coconut oil, it is not unhealthy, unlike what a lot of people like to think about butter. It’s margarine and copycat butters that wreak havoc on your hormones because of their high levels of oxidized omega-6 vegetable oils. Butter provides healthy saturated fats that the body can use to create steroid hormones such as testosterone.

Other key nutrients you can get from real butter include fat-soluble vitamins like K2, D, E and A. These vitamins also play important roles in Testosterone production.

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