Scientifically Proven Foods that Boost Testosterone Levels

If you are concerned about your testosterone levels dropping as you age,  these foods are scientifically proven to aid in testosterone production and maintenance. Testosterone is a vital hormone in the human body. It influences numerous tissues, and not just the reproductive organs. It also plays an important role in building muscle, cardiovascular health, overall hormonal balance, as well as mood regulation and influencing your metabolic rate.

You can help your body maintain normal T-levels by eating certain foods that have supportive actions for hormone production. One of the main things you need to get right in your diet is your intake of healthy dietary fats. As we all know that not all fats are bad. Testosterone production relies on fats to form its structure. Steroid hormones such as testosterone use fatty acids as a vital building block. Without enough fats, Testostsrone hormone production will suffer as sometimes seen in men on vegetarian or vegan diets.

You can’t just start consuming any healthy fats and expect good results. Choose grass-fed meats to ensure high quality fats to fuel Testosterone production. Grass fed meats are from animals that feed on grass, not grains. The meats from grass-fed animals are leaner and more nutrient-dense. They are also free of compounds that can wreak havoc on your testosterone and estrogen balance, such as xeno-estrogens and artificial growth hormones. Aside from grass-fed meats, aim to include more testosterone-boosting foods such as these:

Red Wine/Grapes

Fava Beans (L-Dopa)

Eggs (Raw Prefer)

Selenium (Brazil-nuts)

Oysters (Zinc)

Olive / Coconut Oil

Real Butter



Broccoli (DIM)

Blue Cheese


Pine Pollen

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